To register as a Display-Only Vendor for the annual Western Regional Boiler Association conference, please complete the form and click the "submit" button at the bottom to continue to the payment screen. Please read Vendor Guidelines before registering for conference.
Note: For Presenting Vendors, please get approval from our current Chair before you register as a presenter.

Company Name:
Mailing Address
City: State: Zip: Country:
Company Website Address:

Contact Person: Telephone:
Note: The cost of each table will include meal and tour costs for TWO PEOPLE ONLY, additional vendor attendees will be charged per individual at a rate of $400 per person for the 3-day conference. Costs for additional attendees may be added when you get to the Payment screen.

First Attendee: Second Attendee:
Additional Attendees (you will need to add $400 for each additional vendor attendee to cover meal, entertainment and tour costs for the 3-day conference):
Please list your Display Type to help us in the placement of your table (Low Tabletop, Mid Tabletop or Freestanding):